Wisconsin State AFL-CIO 32nd Biennial Convention

Monday & Tuesday, September 19 & 20, 2022

Madison Concourse Hotel & Governor's ClubMadison, Wisconsin


Tuesday, September 20, 2022 10:25am

Progress and midterms

Bill Samuel from National AFL-CIO

Bill Samuel, legislative director for the national AFL-CIO addressed the convention on Tuesday and reviewed the long list of national policies that have been advanced by the Biden Administration and how it all is working to improve the lives of working people everywhere. Samuel discussed the massive investment in infrastructure and the Biden Administration’s orders that PLAs be used in all sizable projects. Samuel discussed the appointments the Biden Administration has made like naming Marty Walsh as Secretary of Labor and the appointment of worker friendly members of the NLRB. He connected all the progress to the need to win in the midterm elections in order to keep up the progress. “Keep fighting, keep organizing and keep voting!” Samuel told the delegates.

Bill Samuel is legislative director for the national AFL-CIO.
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