Welcome convention delegates!
Delegates Arrive in Madison
Thank you for joining us in the great city of Madison, a city chock-full of rich labor history and inspiring labor action. This week, we come together for the 32nd Biennial Convention of the Wisconsin State AFL-CIO.
At this Convention, we will build power for workers through the state federation by engaging union leaders and union members on issues that matter most to working families. We will elect officers of the Wisconsin State AFL-CIO. This will be the last convention with Dennis Delie as our Secretary-Treasurer. Nominations and election of Wisconsin AFL-CIO Officers and Executive Board members will take place. Our democratically elected officers and board will lead our organization into the future.
Issues of new organizing, strike assistance, safety on the job, higher wages, fighting inflation, infrastructure investment and more. We’ll organize our brothers and sisters, worksite by worksite and person by person. We will strategize how to best support new organizing campaigns and ways to make our movement the most welcoming it can be. We’ll strengthen the grassroots energy that’s already rallying workers to build membership across our movement. When we organize and mobilize, we win.