Wisconsin State AFL-CIO 32nd Biennial Convention

Monday & Tuesday, September 19 & 20, 2022

Madison Concourse Hotel & Governor's ClubMadison, Wisconsin


Monday, September 19, 2022 01:47pm

Delegates Returning From Break

Jake Bailey President, UFCW 1473 and Brian Romanowich, UFCW Local 1473.
Kevin McDonald and John Swan III hand out the afternoon materials.
Cindy Czappa, USW Local 59
Mary Webber, CWA Local 4671 and Ann McNeary, CWA WI Political Council
William McClaren, Stage Employees Local 18 (IATSE)
Elda Salinas, UAW Local 578 signs a petition to keep tariffs on China in place.
Carina Smogoleski, USW Local 2-482
Jeremy Terlinser, Wisconsin State Council of Machinists
Carlos Ginard, Workers United - CMRJB and Robyn Schultz, Pride at Work - Milwaukee Area Chapter.
Paul Beimborn, Operating Engineers Local 420.
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